Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bandeja casi paisa @ Madrid

purplecamaleon Pro User says: yummy...mmmm!!!

alui0000 Pro User says:
mama mia, that looks soooo good!

lulugaia Pro User says:
@ Alui....well the "real" one u can get it only in Colombia mainly in a region called "Antioquia" well known cause Pablo Escobar was from there....the people from that region are called "paisas" like to say glasweian from an paisas make this dish as a typical dish that it is why is called "bandeja paisa"......bandeja means "big" dish....this one I had it in Madrid,,,so actually in the notes I've being a bit critical cause of course in Spain u cannot get every single ingredient as u can get in Colombia.....;P....but even thou it was gooooodddd!!

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