Friday, January 19, 2007

World is becoming really small.....

my bonus
Originally uploaded by lulugaia.
The world for me is becoming really small lately
….what are the chances to be name as juror as British citizen duty, and on court, the first day of the trial, while the prosecutors are reading the evidence on the case, just realise that you know the guy who is sitting in front of 15 jurors as is being accused?
Well this is what happen to me today in a court in Glasgow….I can’t comment more because of confidentiality but believe me it did not feel right at all
…it was a bit (just a wee bit like in the movies) but the difference was that this was very serious stuff
I am glad at the end I was left to go by the judge and I did not get too involved…
I just hope the guy does not come after me…because if I could recognised him is for sure he recognised me too… brrrrrr

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