Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ford Model T

Model Ford T

"The Customer Can Have Any Color He Wants So Long As It's Black". -- Henry Ford

Fordism: A form of labour process with an extreme sub-division of labour, close control of the work process by supervisors and the pace of work determined by the speed of the Assembly Line. Named after the Ford automobile factory system, itself modelled after the meat packing plants in Chicago. Compare to Z theory, democratic self-management. Dictionary of Critical Sociology, Robert E. Mazur, Associate Professor
Iowa State University
, Sociology

“Perhaps a more potent force for change is the transition from Fordism (“) industrial model, typified by large scale, assembly line production, to high technology, small scale workshop production, known as a ‘post-Fordism’”. Tasker & Packham (1991) -2. ‘Industry and Higher Education: A Question of Values’ University of Bath.


missyasmina said...

"The Customer Can Have Any Color He Wants So Long As It's RED". -- Liliana Rodriguez, Product Designer Extraordinaire

Liliana said...

I thought I was an Interaction now...but people still talk to me as it I was only a wannabe....sniff