Saturday, April 26, 2008

two hearts

two hearts
Originally uploaded by lulugaia
Twenty two years ago, I was introduced to Carlos by a friend....

Saturday, April 19, 2008

snowing on my wee balcony

snowing on my wee balcony
Originally uploaded by lulugaia
I love the way Glasgow changes slowly within seasons....every day slightly different colour....and this place (the Italian centre) is a great theme and works as a canvas to show these changes.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Andres Lopez Doing the Bag Pipes with Carlos

Walking by the streets of Madrid, it is very easy to see myriads of Colombians. But, what are the chances of meeting someone you admire? Well, I bumped into Andres Lopez and had the chance of talking to him; This reminded me about some casual encounters I had with Jaime Garzon years ago in Colombia, when I never knew if while talking, he was jocking or not.

Caminando por las calles de Madrid, es muy facil encontrarse con miriadas de colombianos. Pero cuales son las probabilidades de encontrarse con alguien al que tu admiras? \pues bien, yo me encontre con Andres Lopez y tuve la oportunidad de hablar con el; esto me recordo de los encuentros que tuve con Jaime Garzon, agnos atraz en Colombia, cuando nunca supe si lo que hablaba, al igual que Andres, era en serio o en broma.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008