Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The force ladies

The force ladies
Originally uploaded by lulugaia.
I still remember the first time when I realised where and how to find Glasgow's wonders. By looking up at Glasgow's buildings facades on the streets.....
then while sipping a glass of cold cider with my friend Enrica @ Dublin she confirmed me that this was actually the best way to see Glasgow.
So if one day you are here please do not forget to look up.....you'll get amazed

Thursday, August 03, 2006

i-flow poster

i-flow poster
Originally uploaded by lulugaia.
i-flow, our project, (Raul, Yasmina and I) got an Award at Siena Design Project 2006: Sensitivity to Emerging Cultural Forms and Elegance of Conceptual Framework Deployment.
The presentations took place @ Certosa di Pontignano between the 23th and 26th of July.


Siena Design Project 2006: "An open workshop and space for schools, students,and teachers with the mission of allowing learning one from the other, promoting Dialogical Construction of Knowledge, building a Collective Space for Interaction Design."

Tuesday, August 01, 2006